Filly Wiki
On fillyfuntasia
Voiced by •Csifó Dorina Lang-HU
•שיר כהן Lang-HE
•Snežana Knežević Language-sr (Dexy TV)
First appearance Toy lines
Filly Elves toy line

Filly Funtasia
The Cupcake Mystery

Species Elf
Gender Female
Other names Isabella (full name)
•Ізабелла, Белла (Filly Funtasia) Lang-UA
•Белла (Plusplus, Filly Funtasia) Lang-RU
•贝拉 Lang-ZH
•בלה Lang-HE
•เบลล่า Lang-TH
•Bela Language-sr (Dexy TV)
Home Magic Bella Villa
Sibling/s Cherry
Parent/s Blossom
Image gallery
For the Angel Filly, see Bella (Angel).

Bella, also known as Isabella, is a female Elf Filly originating from the Filly Elves toy line.

She lives in the Magic Blossom Villa (Lang-DE Die Magische Blütenvilla), who are additionally known to be Emocia's guardians of beauty in the toy line.

In Filly Funtasia[]

Bella is Rose's and Lynn's roommate and one of Bijou's owners. character profile[]

  • Isabella (Elf Filly)
  • Features: Good at discovering beauty, proud, sweet, optimistic and positive
  • Likes: Dark pink, berries, fashion, cooking
  • Dislikes: Beige, brown, tan, pointy fruits, dirt, homework and boring subjects like history
  • Character setting: Love nature, this kind of love endows her with stronger magic power. Good at discovering the good in friends, but sometimes she can be too positive and never consider the consequences of her actions, resulting in self-suffering. article[]

Super cute little girl who can see through everyone's strengths.
Rose's best friend and has a super positive nature.
Occasional frivolity and irresponsibility sometimes bring troubles that make fillys regret, but Bella, who always puts the happiness of her friends first, seems to never feel the pressure from life and study!

Minimax Coloring Video[]

Bella - Positive and impulsive

Bella is a super-sweet Filly from the kingdom of Filly Elves, who sees the best in everyone. Best friend of Rose, Bella has a super-positive nature that no one - except for the acerbic Lynn - can resist.

Bella is sometimes irresponsible, and forgets to consider the consequences of her actions until it's too late.

Bella likes everything neat and tidy; the way life should be!

Although her sweet upbeat personality can sometimes seem over positive, especially when a friend is trying to enjoy a bad mood and Bella attempts to cheer them up. [1] [2]

TrueVisions (Thailand)[]

A beautiful girl who loves nature and beauty. [3] [4]

From official pitch bibles of the show[]

Text featured below is taken from official pitch bibles of the show. As they were written while the series was in the early stages of its development some of parts of this text can be outdated.

The main pitch bible[]

Isabella is a very pretty and talented teen from the kingdom of Filly Elves, who looks for, and somehow finds beauty, in everything and everyone. She loves nature so much that it actually helps to enhance her magical powers.

That's because love is already a powerful form of magic.

Likes: Dark pink, berries, fashion, cooking class.

Dislikes: Beige, history class, and unfriendly disagreements.

Favorite saying: "Oh isn't that the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?"

Special Magical Power: Drawing enhanced power from nature.

Isabella is also incredibly good and kind and loyal - make that over-the-top good and kind and loyal. Isabella would do anything for a friend - except break the rules - unless it was to keep another Filly from getting into serious trouble.

The specials' pitch bible[]

Bella spends most of her time thinking about beauty and romance. She likes pink, ribbons and love stories. Just everything Lynn hates. She is also gluttony and a bit naive. But she has a big heart and would do anything for her friends.

Filly Elves toy line canon[]

An overload of natural beauty and joy, Isabella is Emocia's guardian of birds, and can talk to and with them. She is also very good friends with Xander, who is often said to be a prince.

Bella 3, German toy bio

"Isabella is the guardian of the birds in Emocia. She is always in a good mood and loves spending hours in the beautiful nature in Emocia. But she prefers to spend her time having exciting adventures with her best friend Prince Xander."

Bella 2, Heritage

Family tree, showing her as the daughter of Florian and Blossom, and the younger sister of Cherry.

Sammelband description[]

Unchecked translation:

Guardian of birds


Bella with bird - Image from Blue Ocean Entertainment's site


  • Name: Bella
  • Eye color: Blue
  • Coat color: Snow white
  • Biggest wish: When Isabella is in open nature, she is careless and happy
  • Motto: When you need some happiness, get some freetime and sunshine!
  • She likes to do this: Going on adventures with Xander
  • Family and Friends: Prince Xander is her best friend.
  • Unusual trait: She can speak with the birds of Emocia

Natural beauty:
In contrast to her big sister Cherry, Bella opts for naturalness. She doesn't need much in life, feels good about herself, and does not own a comb. Because of that, she keeps borrowing for herself the broken hairbrush from her sister.

Her gift:
What makes Isabella sure of her hours-long discovery journeys in Emocia's beautiful nature? She entertain herself with the birds and reads to them her stories and tales of Emocia and the rest of the world.

This is Isabella:
The guardian of birds is always in a good mood and will always like everyone. Sometimes she is a bit clumsy, but she transforms this with ease into her funny and likeable behavior.


For the gallery, see Bella/Gallery.

References and links[]

  4. Translated from Thai: "สาวใสโลกสวย รักธรรมชาติ และความสวยงาม."
Residents of Magic Bella Villa
Bella, Blossom, Cherry, Florian
Royal Magic Academy students
For a group of pictures uploaded to the Filly Wiki that has Bella in it, see Category:Bella images.
For a list of other characters that are visible in known Filly Funtasia material, see Filly Funtasia characters.