Filly Wiki
First appearance Filly Royale toy line
Species Royale
Gender Female
Title Princess
Принцеса Lang-UA
Principessa Lang-IT
Other names Дiва Lang-UA
Дива Lang-RU
Home Jewelry Shop
Image gallery

Diva is one of the characters who was updated from the Filly Princess toy line with the Filly Royale toy line. One of her Royale toys has an alternate design (yellow body with light blue hair).

The figurine of her is one of the toys that were released several times, including the new ('Crystal') edition of 'Filly Royale'. This time, the picture of Diva was redrawn to match the new visual style.

Story from Filly Royale toy line (on MyFilly site)[]

When not selling the hair jewels, Princess Diva loves to arrange the most amazing garden parties in the huge garden surrounding the Crystal castle. The parties always start at sunset and under the moon and trees. Everybody is dancing until sunrise.

On pages of Filly Sammelband...[]

This text was translated from German automatically

Princess Diva

  • Eye colour: Blue Tit Blue
  • Coat colour: Faint pink
  • She likes: Hosting garden parties
  • Special traits: She can talk to birds and regularly asks them to help her decorate their festivals.
  • Did you know? Whenever Diva needs help, her feathered friends fly over to her. Birds are real chatterboxes. They not only 'talk' to each other, but also warn other animals of imminent danger.
  • This is friendship: Always helping each other!
  • My tip for little princesses: A freshly picked flower in your hair or on your dress exudes a delicate scent.

Filly Princess' Diva[]

Empress Diva
First appearance Filly Princess toy line
Species Princess
Gender Female
Title Empress
Cesarzowa Lang-PL
Císařovna Lang-CZ
Császárné Lang-HU
Emperatriz Lang-ES
Impératrice Lang-FR
Kaiserin Lang-DE
Keiserinne Lang-NO
Kejsarinna Lang-SE
Kejserinde Lang-DK
Императрица Lang-RU
Imperatrice Lang-IT
Other names Sophia Lang-HU
Дива Lang-RU
Home Castle of Dagda
Spouse Emperor Karus
Children Sulta Admin
Queen Leonarda
Grandchildren Cedric
Duke Linard
Prince Valentin
Princess Amira
Princess Jade
Princess Pretty
Great Grandchildren Countess Magica
Countess Melody
Lady Lori
Other relatives King Ekaros (son-in-law)
Lady Rowena (niece)
Snow Queen (daughter-in-law)
Image gallery

In Filly Sammelband...[]

This text was translated from German automatically


  • Eye colour: Blue
  • Coat colour: Reddish brown with spots
  • Occupation: Empress
  • Place of residence: Kaiserberg Castle
  • Special trait: At her parties, every guest receives a small gift to welcome them
  • Favourite motto: 'My garden shines in all its splendour, when I invite to the party night'
  • Favourite place: Her castle's garden
  • Family & Friends: Diva is admired for her dignity and grace by her husband, Emperor Karius, and their children, Queen Leonarda and Prince Amin
  • Her most beautiful flower: Diva is particularly proud of her diamond flower, which grows in the middle of her magnificent garden
  • Party Princess: Empress Diva organizes a meeting for all noble Fillys once a year. In addition, she adorns the entire garden of Kaiserberg Castle
  • She likes that: She likes to retreat to the bench by the castle pond to collect new ideas for the annual festival
Fillies from the Jewelry Shop
Diva, Ekaros, Jade, Leonarda
Fillies from Castle of Dagda
Emperor Karus, Empress Diva