Filly Wiki
The Cupcake Mystery
Season 1
Episode 1
Original airdate Lang-IT March 11, 2019
Written by Jymn Magon
Original episode order
Next The Blue Rainbow
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Previous The Lost Mermaid
Next Hide and Seek
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The Cupcake Mystery is listed as the first episode of Filly Funtasia in most releases. A few other releases, including the show's Singapore release, instead list it as the fourteenth episode[1].


Short synopsis[]

Bella and Rose learn that a little lie can get out of hoof.

The pitch bible[]


One of the images appeared on the official site of 'Filly Funtasia' and in the pitch bible

It's true - gossip and hearsay spread like wildfire! When trying to explain what really happened to an entire plate of cupcakes Bella has just dropped, Rose concocts a fib about a mysterious creature. The little fib soon becomes rumor that spreads across the Academy. The rumor continues to grow with each telling until it becomes an alarming crazy funny tale about a giant monster that attacked Rose and Bella while chomping down all the snacks. Now the school is on high alert, traps have been set... how will Rose and Bella escape the truth before it is too late?

A part of this synopsis (or its full text) was seen on a previous version of the website (

The Ukrainian dub[]

(translated to English)

Yesterday Will didn't pass his history exam and that's why today he wants to improve the situation. He decided to gift his teacher Twilight eight cupcakes because eight is a lucky number. However he completely forgot to decorate the cupcakes with a fancy bow tie. And Will decided to solve this problem quickly and to ask Bella to look after the cupcakes. But she didn't complete the task as she ate these herself. And although she felt herself guilty she couldn't find any courage to tell Will the truth. That's why Bella told the others t1he cupcakes disappeared!

In addition to the Ukrainian synopsis, the site of PlusPlus has a Russian language description for the episode. There are no difference between them.


Bella does not keep the cupcakes she promised Will to keep and Rose is covering it up for Bella.


Will has made some cupcakes for his teacher, Twilight, in the hope of getting a better grade. He briefly leaves them in the care of Bella, who eats some and drops the others.

Bella implores Rose for help and, while the pair are talking, Will comes back and asks where his cupcakes are. Rose covers for Bella by saying that they were stolen, but, when pressed for details, Bella makes up an increasingly monstrous thief, even after other Fillies come to see what's happening.

The idea of a cupcake-stealing giant quickly sweeps the school, sending students and staff alike into a state of panic, and even Battiwigs and Wranglum believe the rumour. Will is cross about his missing cupcakes and decides to make a trap for the monstrous thief. Rose repeatedly pressures Bella to fix it by telling the truth, but Bella struggles to do this, both because she finds it hard to admit and because she's enjoying the attention.

Rose and Bella walk in the forest and Bella falls into Will's trap and finally tells him the truth. Will releases Bella and forgives her, and the friends walk back to the school.


  • The color script of this (and some of the others) episode was created by Dani Canovas, which wasn't stated officially since people who were a part of old production team weren't credited in the series.

Animation errors[]

  • Rose's necklace floats slightly in a few scenes.
  • Some characters are seen floating a short distance above the ground during the scene when Rose and Bella lie to Will about the cupcakes.



The old version of the scene.

  • This episode's title was first given as Liar, Liar, Prance on Fire (a play on the schoolyard taunt of "liar, liar, pants on fire").
  • Clips from this episode appear in random order for most of the October 2013 trailer.
  • In a few trailers, the scene where the lies begin takes place in the halls. It was also shorter with less lines, but it could be likely it was only shortened for the trailer.
  • Prior to the Filly Funtasia website's redesign, it used a screenshot from the November 2013 trailer for this episode's thumbnail.


Country Channel Premiere date
Lang-IT Italy Frisbee March 11, 2019
Lang-UA Ukraine PlusPlus November 30, 2019
Lang-ZH China (Mandarin) iQiyi November 28, 2019
Hunan TV January 20, 2020
Lang-HU Hungary Minimax September 05, 2020
Language-ro Romania Minimax September 07, 2020
Lang-CZ Czech Republic Minimax September 16, 2020
Language-sr Serbia Minimax October 03, 2020
Lang-Slv Slovenia Minimax October 03, 2020
Lang-HE Israel Arutz HaYeladim (ערוץ הילדים) November 2020
Lang-VE Venezuela TLT La Tele Tuya February 15, 2021
Lang-SG Singapore (English) Channel 5 (tv) and meWATCH (VOD) March 22, 2022
Lang-DE Germany Junior June 13, 2022
Language-sr Serbia Dexy TV December 19, 2023

Alternate titles[]

  •  Italian: Il Mistero dei Dolcetti;
  •  Ukrainian: Таємниця кексиків;
  •  Russian (as seen on PlusPlus' site): Тайна кексиков;
  • Chinese: 纸杯蛋糕之谜;
  • Serbian: Tajna kolačića;
  • Czech: Záhada kapkejku;
  • Hungarian: A muffin-rejtély;
  • Hebrew: תעלומת הקאפקייק;
  • Latin American Spanish: El misterio de los pastelillos;
  • German: Das Cupcake Mysterium (part 1) and Die Monsterfalle (part 2);

References and links[]

  1. Going by the official schedule of Channel 5 and meWATCH in Singapore.
  2. (In Ukrainian) "Вчора Уілл погано написав тест з історії, тому сьогодні хоче це виправити. Він вирішив подарувати вчительці Твайлайт вісім кексиків, бо вісім – це її щасливе число. Однак він зовсім забув їх прикрасити святковим бантиком. Тоді Уілл вирішив швидесенько владнати цю ситуацію, і попросив Беллу приглянути за кексиками. Однак вона не впоралась з цим завданням і зїла їх сама. І хоча вона відчувала себе винною, Уіллу зізнатись у скоєному вона не наважилась. Тоді Белла сказала, що кексики зникли! " [1]
  3. (In Russian) "Вчера Уилл плохо написал тест по истории, поэтому сегодня хочет это исправить. Он решил подарить учительнице Твайлайт восемь кексиков, потому чот восемь – это ее счастливое число. Однако он совсем забыл их украсить праздничным бантиком. Тогда Уилл решил быстренько исправить эту ситуацию, и попросил Беллу присмотреть за кексиками. Однако она не справилась с этой задачей и съела их сама. И хотя она чувствовала себя виноватой, Уиллу признаться в содеянном она не отважилась. Тогда Белла сказала, что кексики исчезли! " [2]