Filly Wiki
On fillyfuntasia
Voiced by Czető Roland Lang-HU
•דור סרוגו Lang-HE
•Douglas Marquina (1-13) Lang-VE
•Juan Carlos Figueroa (16, 19) Lang-VE
First appearance Toy lines
Filly Fairy toy line

Filly Funtasia
The Cupcake Mystery

Species Fairy
Gender Male
Other names •Willow (full name)
•Виллоу (package and flyer text for 'Filly Fairy') Lang-RU
•Уиллоу (coloring and activity book) Lang-RU
•Уілл Lang-UA (Filly Funtasia)
•维力 Lang-ZH
•ויל Lang-HE
•Vil Language-sr
•วิลลิ Lang-TH
Home Pink Bellflower
Sibling/s Faye
Parent/s Fawn
Great Grandparents Aspen (Filly Funtasia)
Cousins Puk
Other relatives Melian (aunt)
Thori (uncle)
Image gallery

Will, also known as Willow, is a playful and athletic young Fairy Filly.

In Filly Funtasia[]

Will is one of the main cast of the series. He shares his dorm with Cedric and their dorm pet is Battiwigs the bat. He is ashamed of his full name. character profile[]

Willow (Fairy Filly)

  • Traits: Lively, straightforward, bold, curious, mischievous
  • Likes: Green, any pie (dessert), flying, acrobatics, all sports and games, mischief, playing tricks, prefers to be called "Will".
  • Dislikes: Pink, all girls, carrots, homework, being called "Willow" and being called in class.
  • Character Setting: Willow likes to think he's super cool, and although he's at the bottom of his class academically, he's a champion in sports. He is impulsive and never gives up on a challenge.

TrueVisions (Thailand)[]

Will likes to prank his friends but he is very brave. [1] [2].

From official pitch bibles of the show[]

Text featured below is taken from official pitch bibles of the show. As they were written while the series was in the early stages of its development some of parts of this text can be outdated.

The main pitch bible[]

Willow 'Will' is a super cool, wild and daring Fairy Filly and a total Trickster like Lynn, so the two are best buds.

Will's got a natural talent for magic and totally enjoys using his powers every chance he gets - especially for laughs.

Will can't resist pulling pranks, like using a spell to send a bunch of slimy toads hopping and croaking all around the girls' dorm. This could explain why the Prince isn't all that popular with the young ladies; except for Lynn, who is always ready to help pull off pranks.

Likes: Any kind of pie, flying super high, practical jokes, playing and winning at any and all sports.

Dislikes: Turnips, homework, being called Willow and/or being called-on for an answer in class.

Favorite saying: Ah c'mon, it was funny, admit it.

Special Magical Power: Extra incredible physical strength when needed most.

The specials' pitch bible[]

Willow - or Will, if you ask him - is a super cool, wild and daring Filly and a total Trickster like Lynn, so the two are best buds. He can't resist pulling pranks, like using a spell to send a bunch of slimy toads hopping and croaking all around the class. And he's a sports addict... though he seems to slide more on the floor than on his skate. Anyway, who can resist that cunning look?

Filly Fairy toy line canon[]

Will bio

"Willow is always seen balancing on a log of wood, hanging from a tree or doing other daring stunts. His father Fawn states that he is hopeless but secretly he knows that his son will be a great acrobat one day."

In the toys, he is very acrobatic and can stand on one hoof. His relationship with his father, Fawn, is a bit strained as Fawn hides his appreciation of his son.

From Filly Sammelband[]


  • Eye colour: Green
  • Coat colour: Black and white with spots
  • Occupation: Acrobat
  • Place of residence: Rosa Glocken-blumenwiese
  • Special trait: He walks on only one leg
  • Favourite motto: A trick should bring you joy, then I want to succeed well
  • His wobbly tower: Willow balances on everything you can stack. His most dangerous number was a balancing act on Melian's stacked cooking pots.
  • He likes that: he prefers to surprise his sister Faye with tricks when she has once again entrenched herself behind her books.
  • Family and friends: His sister, Faye, often sits in her library behind a mountain of books. His father Fawn is very proud of his gifted son.

From cards[]

German. Text below is translated automatically:[3]


Willow can often be seen balancing on branches, hanging upside down from a tree, or performing other daring feats. His father Fawn knows full well that Willow will one day be a famous acrobat.

Beauty: 300
Intellegence: 700
Speed: 400

In Filly Fairy collection guide[]

He is known by his full name in the Filly Fairy Collection Guide, too.

Filly Fairy early collection guide

References and links[]

  2. Translation from Thai: "ถึงชอบ แกล้งเพื่อน แต่ก็ กล้าหาญมากนะ."
  3. Translated from German: "Willow kann man sehr oft dabei beobachten, wie er auf Ästen balanciert, Kopf über von einem Baum herab hängt oder andere wagemutige Kunstücke macht. Sein vater Fawn weiß genau, das Willow eines Tages ein berühmter Akrobat sein wird."
Residents of the Pink Bellflower
Will, Fawn, Faye
Royal Magic Academy students
For a group of pictures uploaded to the Filly Wiki that has Will in it, see Category:Will images.
For a list of other characters that are visible in known Filly Funtasia material, see Filly Funtasia characters.