Filly Wiki
Wizard of the Dark Mirror
Look into my eyes
First appearance Filly Funtasia October 2013 trailer
Species Object
Gender Male
Other names Wranglum (possible new name, possible misspelling)
Mago Wranglum Lang-ES
Home Hideout in Royal Magic Academy

The Wizard of the Dark Mirror is pretty much what his name states him to be. He has the shape of a small mirror, roughly 50cm (~1'8") tall if measuring by the sizes of other characters, and shows facial expressions through the mirror view, with what resembles thickened smiley faces on a dark background. He is a skilled magician, though he hasn't shown off any magician tricks in the trailers as of 10th of March 2015.

His plan in Filly Funtasia is to steal all the magic in the kingdom. How he plan to do this, or for that matter how much abilities he have as a magician, are open questions at the moment. Funtasia has been established as a region, but whether it's a full kingdom is not known for sure yet, which could pose problems if it really has to be a kingdom and not another kind of region. His minion of choice on all of these points is Battiwigs, and they spend their days together in an abandoned pipe room in the Royal Magic Academy.
